Huw has a broad range of experience of construction and engineering law and specialises in dispute avoidance and resolution.
In over 10 years practicing construction and engineering law, he has acted on both domestic and international projects across a number of sectors including: oil & gas, renewable energy (off-shore wind and hydro-electric projects), transport (road, rail and container terminal projects), process plant & equipment and building (residential, commercial and municipal building projects). He also spent some time seconded to a UK environmental consultancy.
Huw has acted on behalf of owners and members of all levels of the supply chain for construction and engineering projects. Specialising in dispute avoidance and resolution, he often gives strategic advice during the course of projects and also has experience of adjudication (including enforcement of decisions), arbitration, litigation and mediation.
Specialist expertise
Huw specialises in the resolution of disputes arising out of complex construction, engineering and infrastructure projects, advising owners and members of all levels of the supply chain. He is experienced in arbitration, litigation and alternative methods of dispute resolution such as adjudication and mediation.
Examples of Huw’s expertise include:
- acting for an employer on an oil & gas project in the Middle East defending a claim of US$2.5 billion in an LCIA arbitration;
- advising a foundations installation contractor for an off-shore wind farm in respect of claims arising from the late delivery of foundations and suspension of its works;
- defending a contractor against a £200million claim in the Scottish Court of Session (both the Outer and the Inner House), arising from a collapse of a section of the headrace tunnel in a recently constructed hydro-electric power station;
- advising a joint venture of contractors in an adjudication seeking a declaration as to the interpretation of its framework contract for road maintenance works;
- advising an employer in dispute with the contractor for a new international container terminal in Latin America;
- advising an employer in a claim in the TCC against the supplier of defective printing presses;
- defending the supplier of a river water extraction system for the design and supply of defective equipment;
- advising an international contractor in the preparation of a delay and disruption claim arising from the construction of a large-scale mixed use development in the Middle East;
- advising a homeowner in enforcement proceedings following a series of adjudications;
- acting for a specialist façade contractor in an adjudication seeking payment for variations to its works.
Other activities and memberships
Huw is a member of the Society of Construction Law and the Technology and Construction Solicitors’ Association.