Gilbert provides advice in relation to complex and high value disputes throughout the construction, real estate and oil & gas sectors. He has experience in acting for various members of the construction and engineering supply chain including main contractors, subcontractors and engineers/designers.
Gilbert has provided clients with legal and strategic advice in several jurisdictions throughout the Middle East including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Gilbert has also previously spent time as a secondee for a major developer based in Dubai.
Specialist expertise
Examples of Gilbert’s expertise include:
- assisting the main contractor in the preparation for a USD10bn ICC Arbitration against the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority in respect of mass rail transit system in Dubai;
- assisting a Korean main contractor in defence of a USD200m ICC Arbitration concerning a power plant in Africa;
- assisting the employer in defending a USD130m LCIA Arbitration commenced by the main contractor regarding the construction of a major petrochemical plant in Dubai;
- advising a Saudi based hospital operator in respect of the construction of a AED1bn university hospital project in Dubai;
- advising an Abu Dhabi government entity that owns and manages a military storage facility in respect of ADCCAC proceedings commenced by the main contractor seeking an extension of time and a sum in excess of AED30m;
- advising an international piling contractor seeking an extension of time and a sum in excess of AED70m in relation to ICC arbitration proceedings commenced against the developer of three multi-storey towers in Dubailand;
- advising the employer in relation to DIAC arbitration proceedings commenced by the main contractor seeking an extension of time and a sum in excess of AED39m in relation to the construction of a 300-room hotel in Abu Dhabi;
- advising the main contractor in relation to a potential claim against the employer for approximately USD20m regarding the design and construction of a water treatment facility in Qatar;
- advising an international engineer/design consultant in relation to the enforcement of an ICC arbitral award of USD92m in Qatar;
- advising a structural steel subcontractor in relation to an ADCCAC Arbitration for approximately AED60m against the main contractor;
- advising an employer in defence of an AED40m DIAC Arbitration commenced by an industry leading engineer/design consultant;
- managing four DIAC Arbitrations with a combined claim value of AED10m for a prominent real estate developer in Dubai;
- assisting the employer in the defence of an AED100m DIAC Arbitration brought by the main contractor in relation to mixed use development in Dubai.
Gilbert’s memberships/positions include:
- member of the New York State Bar.