Project support
Masterminding construction and energy projects takes time, money and careful attention. As a client of Fenwick Elliott, you can be confident in our specialist attention to all legal and contractual details.
Problems during major building projects can be costly and time-consuming to rectify. By providing sound project advice upfront, we help prevent disputes from occurring, avoiding delays and extra expense. If the worst happens, we can often defuse contentious issues without the need for formal proceedings.
We take a hands-on approach for the duration of a project, keeping in close communication with clients and supplying ongoing support. If and when issues arise, we offer commercial, practical advice and troubleshooting options. This helps to ensure that schedules are maintained and budgets controlled at every stage of the process.
Risk minimisation lies at the heart of our actions. We ensure that documents are prepared, the right people are appointed, financial packages are well structured and every angle of the deal is commercially robust.
We are also experienced in structuring collaborative contracts to increase efficiency and reduce the prospect of disputes. For public/private finance initiative contracts, which are particularly vulnerable to legal disputes, we define responsibilities clearly and allocate risks.
In everything we do, our overarching aim is to achieve harmonious projects that complete on time and turn a faster profit – the best outcome for all parties.